TJ Lee
T.J. graduated from U.C.L.A. and Dongguk Royal University of Oriental Medicine. He practices Juheng acupuncture technique which is one of the most distinguished and respected traditional acupuncture techniques from Korea. He has studied under master Chung, and has been certified by Institute of Juheng Acupuncture and Moxibustion. He is one of very few licensed acupuncturists who can treat patients with Juheng Acupuncture technique. The Juheng acupuncture technique is a rare and effective technique handed down from master to students for more than eight hundred years.T.J. has been very active in World Acupuncture Medical Mission. He feels a strong desire to serve those in poverty and distress. He has treated patients in Tajikistan, Russia, Parmir, Peru, Cambodia and many other mission fields around the world, helping people relieve pain and heal from tragedy. He is fluent in English and Korean, and he is also able to communicate in Spanish.
Stop by for a complimentary consultation with T.J. if you suffer from chronic headaches, migraine, back pain, shoulder pain, digestive disorder, constipation, muscle strain or sprain, PMS, and other conditions.
At Nightingale Center
16960 Bastanchury Rd. #J, Yorba Linda CA 92886
Monday 8:00 – 3:00
Tuesday 8:00 – 5:00
Thursday 8:00 – 3:00
Friday 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 8:00 – 3:00
TJ Lee, for healthier life, acupuncture